Thursday, June 23, 2011

Are Human Growth Hormones Supplements Safe To Use?

If you are interested in still retaining your youthful looks and vigor, then I am sure you would also be interested in human growth hormones supplements. These products are the hottest thing right now in the anti-aging industry. But before you jump and purchase just any of the supplements out there in the market, you need to do a little basic research to find out what human growth hormone (HGH) is, how these supplements work in erasing the symptoms of aging and if these products are actually safe to use.

Do not just take the sellers and manufacturers word that their products are effective. So many merchants are just after your hard earned money. You need to know for sure that these human growth hormones supplements are safe for consumption. There are so many stories in the media on how companies recall back drugs and nutritional supplements because of they caused a few adverse effects to their users. Your health should be very important to you! Do NOT just buy any product that can end up giving you unnecessary health troubles.

There have been so many research and clinical trials that have been carried out to ascertain if increasing a person’s HGH level is effective in slowing down the aging effects. The results have been positive so far.

There are two ways to increase your HGH levels: artificial HGH injections and human growth hormones supplements. Injections are too expensive and they come with a few adverse effects, which is why they are very unpopular among the average Joes and Janes. As for human growth hormones supplements, since there are classified as nutritional supplements, there are so many ineffective brands that are being sold in the market today. So many fraudulent merchants package the usual vitamin pills as human growth hormones supplements and charge a higher price for them!

However there are a few brands of human growth hormones supplements that are very effective in reversing the symptoms of aging so that you can look and feel much younger than your actual age. You would experience so many amazing benefits when using these supplements. My wife and I use GenF20 Plus and I can confidently say that these supplements are amazing!

So How Do These Human Growth Hormones Supplements Work?

Our body produces HGH naturally in the pituitary gland. This substance is in charge of all the growth and repair process that occur in the human body. HGH is also regarded as being the master hormone because it controls and regulates the production and secretion of other chemicals and hormones that the body needs in order to maintain itself efficiently and effectively. While you were in your adolescent days, your body produced high amounts of HGH in order to handle all the numerous growth processes (height increase included) that occurred during that period of your life.

But as we grow older, the amount of HGH produced by our anterior pituitary glands gradually begins to reduce. After the age of 40 years old we begin to notice signs of aging. This tells you that your body is experiencing lower level of HGH than when you were much younger. This is where human growth hormones supplements come in to the picture. The most effective way to slow down the effects of aging is by increasing your HGH levels naturally. Using high quality human growth hormones supplements can help you look and feel younger than your age!

What Are These Supplements Made Of?

Unlike artificial HGH injections that introduce synthetic HGH directly into your blood stream, human growth hormones supplements are composed of natural ingredients (herbs, plant extracts, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids) that are very effective in kick starting your pituitary gland to step up its daily production and secretion of HGH. After a few months of using a high quality HGH product, you would begin experiencing the following benefits:

  • Decrease in excess body fat deposits

  • More lean muscle mass

  • Improved skin texture and complexion

  • Stronger and denser bones

  • Reversal of Osteoporosis

  • Increase in memory retention, focus and clarity

  • Higher sex drive

  • Improved sexual stamina

  • Improved moods and better sleep at night

But you need to be aware that it not every brand of human growth hormones supplements that would give you these benefits. To get impressive results, you need to choose the best brands in the market. There are only a few brands that can help improve the quality of your life, most of the brands are just a waste of money!

You should visit honest human growth hormones supplements review sites like to see unbiased reviews of the best brands that can help slow down the aging effects and make you look and feel younger than your age!

My name is Timothy Monye and just like you, a few years ago I was concerned about how I was going to wipe away the symptoms of aging that I was noticing... especially low energy levels, fatigue and my diminishing sex drive. I researched till I found out about the best human growth hormones supplements that is helping my wife and I look and feel considerably younger than our age. I give all the information and experiences that I have acquired on my website

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Do HGH Supplements Work In Slowing Down The Aging Process?

I am sure you must have come across the new anti aging pills known as HGH supplements. One question in the minds of so many middle aged and older persons is if these pills actually work in slowing down the aging process... Find out the answer to that question and more...

Natural HGH supplements are pills that help increase the human growth hormone level in your body. Human growth hormone which is known as HGH is a complex protein substance that is made up of 191 amino acids. HGH is produced in the anterior pituitary gland located underneath the brain.

HGH is secreted in bursts into the blood stream when we are in deep sleep at night. Some of the HGH goes to the liver where it is converted to Insulin Growth Factor IGF1 to help in producing essential proteins that your body needs in order to repair worn-out cells, tissues, muscles and bones.

It is because of its function in healing and repair damaged cells and tissues that prompted doctors to begin injecting artificial HGH into the blood stream of patients that are recovery from surgery or burns so that their bodies can quickly recover. Now so many body builders even use natural HGH supplements so that they can build more lean muscle mass and recover faster from their intense body building work-outs. In the past these guys used artificial HGH injections, but they come with so many adverse effects.

Do HGH Supplements Really Work In Making Me Look And Feel Younger?

When you increase the HGH levels in your body, it gives your body improved ability to repair worn-out cells and also re-grow new ones faster. It is this trend that makes your body look younger and makes you feel younger since your body now has the ability to maintain itself more efficiently and effectively.

Artificial HGH injections are very effective in increasing your energy levels, removing wrinkles and improving your well being but they come with a few negative side effects. This is why you are better off using a method that encourages your body to produce more of its own natural human growth hormone than introducing artificial HGH into your body system.

Although so many people know that artificial HGH injections work, a lot of individuals stay away from them because of their exorbitant price and the few adverse effects that come with using them. This is why so many middle aged and older persons usually ask the same old question “do HGH supplements work?” before taking the step to buy them.

Natural HGH supplements work, but you need to ensure that you are using high quality brands so that you can get the best results. When using popular brands like GenF20 Plus and GenFX, you are guaranteed that your body is getting effective ingredients that would stimulate your pituitary gland to increase its daily secretion of HGH. This is a lot better than using synthetic human growth hormone.

Unlike artificial HGH injections that give almost instant results, when using natural HGH supplements, you need to be patient for about 2 – 3 weeks before you start noticing the effects that they give.

What Are Natural HGH Supplements Actually Made Of?

Now that we have found out the answer to the popular question – “do HGH supplements work?” it is time to find out what they contain. Do not buy natural HGH supplements that claim to contain actual human growth hormone! This is because HGH is a complex protein substance that will get digested once it enters your stomach. Instead go for brands that are formulated with essential amino acids, herbs, plant extracts, vitamins and minerals that induce your anterior pituitary gland to increase its daily production of human growth hormone. This is a very effective way to delay the effects of aging. Because increased human growth hormones level means that your body would be able to maintain itself efficiently and effectively.

When using natural HGH supplements, you do NOT have to worry about any negative side effects whatsoever since they do not contain actual human growth hormone.

What Are The Benefits Of Using These Supplements?

Now that we are over from the doubtful outlook of – “do HGH supplements work?” it is time to discover the benefits that these supplements can do for you. Regular use of these supplements would give you the following benefits:

  • Increase in physical strength and energy levels

  • Improved lung and heart function

  • Increase in sex drive

  • Denser and stronger bones

  • Increase in lean muscle mass

  • Better sleep at night

  • Reduction in age spots and wrinkles

  • Improved body posture

My wife and I have been using these supplements for close to 2 years now so I can authoritatively tell you based on my own personal experience that they can improve the quality of your life and make you look and feel younger than your actual age.

My final answer to your question: do HGH supplements work? Yes they do – as long as you are using high quality brands that have been tested and proven. If you would like to know more on what to expect when using natural HGH supplements and how to get the best from them, then I recommend you go to this site ==> <==

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why Should I Buy HGH Supplements?

There are lots of middle aged and older persons that would love to increase their lean muscle mass, reduce the wrinkles on their face and improved their body posture. Previously the only way to do this was by engaging in regular exercises and taking the usual multivitamin supplements. But right now there is a new innovation in the anti-aging industry. Nowadays people have begun to make use of better and more effective methods to help ease themselves from all the symptoms of aging that gradually begins to disturb us as we grow older.

Although right now there are so many supplements and sprays that are being hyped as the best product to help delay the effects of aging and look and feel younger, there is only one option that truly works. The option that I am referring to is the use of human growth hormones supplements also referred to as natural HGH supplements. Before you buy HGH supplements, you should have a full understanding of what they are and how they work.

Human growth hormones supplements are being hailed as the best supplements for people who would like to delay aging and look and feel considerably younger than their real age. These supplements help your anterior pituitary gland (located at the base of your brain) produce more human growth hormone (HGH). This substance is needed in so many growth and repair processes that occur in the human body. Your body produced its highest amount of HGH when you were in your teenage days. This is because of the rapid height increase that occurred during that period of our lives. As we grow older, our pituitary gland begins producing lesser HGH.

HGH is commonly referred to as the master hormone by scientists and medical researchers because of the fact that it regulates and controls the secretion of other hormones and substances that your body needs in order to efficiently and effectively maintain itself. The symptoms of aging becomes noticeable to us when the amounts of HGH produced by our pituitary glands are no longer enough to handle all the grow and repair processes in our bodies.

Here Is Why You Should Buy HGH Supplements!

Human growth hormones supplements are a safer and more affordable way to look and feel younger. They are a better alternative to cosmetic surgery (face lifts, liposuction etc.), botox injections and artificial HGH injections (which introduce synthetic human growth hormone directly into your blood stream). These supplements contain natural ingredients (essential amino acids, herbs, plant extracts, vitamin and minerals) that help your pituitary gland increase its daily production of HGH to the way it was when you were in your 20s and 30s.

Hundreds of thousands of people that buy HGH supplements like GenF20 Plus and GenFX report that the quality of their lives improved tremendously when they started using these supplements. They experience more energy, increased physical strength and stamina, higher sex drive and better sleep at night.

Regular use of human growth hormones supplements would help make you feel like a 25 year old all over again. You would also look considerably younger than your age as long as you use these supplements regularly.

If you really want buy HGH supplements so that you can look and feel younger than your real age then you need to know a few more details about the best human growth hormones supplements in the market by visiting

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why You Should Read HGH Supplements Reviews Before Making Your Choice!

If you are thinking of buying natural HGH supplements, then you need to create the time to read various natural HGH supplements review websites. By reading honest reviews, you would be better informed about the best products that are available in the market, where to get them and how to get the best from them. Since these review web pages are written by different individuals, there is going to be a difference in opinions and products recommended by the writers of such pages.

Some of these natural HGH supplements review websites would be clearly advertisement for a particular product, while a few others like would give you unbiased and truthful information based on the feedback of users of each product and on the results of clinical researches carried out on the products.

Natural HGH supplements review websites are meant to be unbiased and fair. But the truth is that most of the natural HGH supplements review sites are just sales letters for a particular product. In this situation, you are just being fed with hype and few facts. There are some few things that make a good review and they include:

  • Quality natural HGH supplements review websites tell you about human growth hormones and explain how important they are in your body. For you to fully appreciate these supplements you need to understand what they do to your body and how they do it. These sites also need to tell you about the difference between artificial HGH injections and natural HGH supplements

  • When viewing any review website, you should look out for the different formulations of natural HGH supplements including an assessment of the good and bad sides of each brand. What I mean is that an unbiased natural HGH supplements review website should reveal to you the disadvantages and advantages of the way each of the products it lists works. If a website tells you to buy a particular brand, it should give you concrete reason why you should open your wallet and buy such brand. Do NOT be pushed into buying ineffective products!

  • Good natural HGH supplements review websites give you detailed information on how the products that they recommend works. Does the product introduce artificial human growth hormone into your body or does it induce your pituitary gland to produce more HGH? You need to know this before you make your pick on which brand to use. If a website is only telling you about the benefits without giving you information on how the brand works, then such websites are biased.

  • If a natural HGH supplements review site does not tell you about the potential side effects for each brand that they recommend, then it means such sites are just sales sites. These websites are only concerned about making sales and not giving you information. Whenever you read any review site, you need to ensure that they also give you information about adverse effects. You do NOT want to start using a product and start seeing surprises. You need a fair and unbiased analysis of the brands that you are thinking of using.

  • If you are going to make a choice based on a natural HGH supplements review site, make sure they contain actual case studies of people who have used such products before. Talk is cheap! It is easy to say that a brand works, but you need proof to assure you that it actually works. There are so many clinical studies that have been conducted to discover the effects that increasing human growth hormone level has on the body. An honest natural HGH supplements review website would refer you to authentic sources so you can fully understand about how these products help in delaying the effects of aging.

If you read through so many good natural HGH supplements reviews on the internet, you would discover that there are just a few brands in the market that can guarantee to give you amazing results when used. A few of these brands include GenF20 Plus, GenFX and Provacyl. They have been in the market for quite a while now and hundreds of thousands of customers are talking about the exciting benefits that they give.

If you would like to see an unbiased natural HGH supplements review website, then I suggest you go to now!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Where To Buy HGH Supplements – Now You Can Look And Feel Younger!

Are you looking for a safe and effective way to regain your youthful looks and vigor? Use of natural HGH supplements is now the most preferred choice of anti aging therapy these days. Read on to where you can buy HGH supplements that are both safe and effective in making you look and feel younger than your age...

If you are really serious about regaining your youthful looks and vigor, then I am sure you must have heard about human growth hormones and its importance in the aging process. In case you are not aware, human growth hormone (HGH) is a substance that is produced daily by your pituitary gland that is located at the base of your brain. HGH has numerous functions and the ones that we know of are: repairing damaged tissues, helping in re-growth of new cells in the bones and muscles and strengthening the body’s immunity against diseases and infections.

As we grow older, the amount of human growth hormones that our bodies produce gradually begins to reduce. And it is this reduction that triggers the symptoms of aging. Medical experts have long known that increasing our human growth hormones levels as we grow older would help reduce the signs of aging considerably. So if you want to wipe away the wrinkles on your face and increase your energy levels then you need to increase your human growth hormones level. So many individuals now buy HGH supplements (also known as natural HGH releasers) because they can help improve one’s physical appearance and increase energy levels.

Why So Many Middle Aged And Older Folks Now Buy HGH Supplements

Natural HGH releasers are dietary supplements that help your body produce more human growth hormones. They do NOT contain artificial human growth hormones; instead they contain natural ingredients that help your body produce more HGH. They have become the most popular form of anti aging therapy. There are so many brands of natural HGH releasers that are now available. If you do a search on for these supplements, you would be amazed at the number of websites prompting you to buy HGH supplements so you can look and feel younger, and so many of these websites offer a lot of exciting and juicy bonuses when you buy these supplements from them.

There are so many different HGH products that are in the market right now and they come in form of drops, lozenges, sprays and pills. It is this large array of choices that confuses so many individuals that are looking for an effective and safe HGH product to use to slow down the aging process.

Where Can I Buy Natural HGH Releasers From?

Before you buy HGH supplements, you should do a search on the internet for sites containing customer feedbacks and honest reviews of the best brands in the market. or can help you find independent websites that can give you adequate information before you take the step to buy HGH supplements. On these review websites, you would find unbiased information about different brands of natural HGH releasers that are in the market right now and their authorized website where customers buy HGH supplements from.

You can find where to buy HGH supplements on television. There are usually special health programs that are now being shown on shopping networks and these programs usually display natural HGH releasers as part of the products that the sell. You would also get amazing discount when you buy HGH supplements from their recommended sellers. Just make sure you buy more than one pack so that you would be able to enjoy all the benefit comes with using these dietary supplements.

Another place for you to locate where to buy HGH supplements is on the pages of health, fitness and body building magazines. These days there are so many body builders that are now taking natural HGH releasers so that they can remove excess fats deposits from their bodies and grow more lean muscle. These magazines also contain reviews on popular natural HGH releasers, so you would know what to expect when using these brands. Drugstores are places where you can buy HGH supplements or you can look in health forums and ask people using these supplements about the benefits to expect when using these dietary supplements.

They Must Contain Ingredients That Help Your Body Produce More Human Growth Hormones

One thing you must check before you buy HGH supplements is the ingredients lists of the brands that you are considering. If any merchant has refused to disclose what ingredients his product is made of, then do NOT buy such product! You must be aware of the ingredients so that you can find out if they are safe for you, especially if you have any current medical condition. You should find out if the product has been approved by the FDA – this would assure you of the quality of the natural HGH releaser. Only buy HGH supplements that come with a money back guarantee. If a produce really works, then the seller would NOT be bothered because you would definitely order for more packs.

Now you can look younger, have more energy and feel better as you grow older! Go to for more information on how to buy HGH supplements that are safe and effective and also to get honest reviews of the best brands in the market right now.

Timothy Monye is an expert on anti aging and natural HGH releasers and he is focused on educating middle aged and old persons on how to look and feel younger than their real age. Discover the truth about which human growth hormone supplements to purchase at his site