Maybe you don’t really hear about this word, but pheromones really does make a person more sexually attractive to the opposite sex (male and female produce different kinds). Pheromones are natural chemicals that are produced by the body and are secreted through sweat from the armpit (in men and women) or the scalp and vagina (in women). These chemicals are well know to attract members of the opposite sex only - so in order words they work only for heterosexuals and not homosexuals.
In men, the armpit is the major source of human pheromones that enters into the sweat produced there. There are liquid chemical compounds that when secreted by different glands in the region also result in them going airborne. It is these substances that make up an individual’s distinct scent and they are usually odorless. Based on so many researches, there are substances that are secreted from women’s armpits that can change the ovulation of other women when they smell it – quite amazing to know that these substances are this powerful!
It seems that because of hygiene issues, we humans no longer release enough amounts of pheromones that can signal our sexual desirability any more. It could be that somewhere along the ages our abilities to produce high amounts of these pheromones has reduced considerably maybe due to evolution or that we often use too many products (soaps, deodorants and antiperspirants) that mask our natural sexual scent. This is one reason why there human pheromones are now in the market today to help boost our sexual desirability.
Although these artificial pheromone products can assist us in increasing the amount of sex scents that emit from our bodies there are other more natural methods that we can make use of to increase our sex appeal to the members of the opposite sex. Let me start by saying you should eat more foods that contain a high amount of zinc like avocados, nuts and pumpkin seeds. If you don’t really like these foods or you don’t eat much, then make sure that you take a zinc supplement every day. This helps in increasing the amount testosterone that is produced by your body which is the raw materials that the body uses to produce pheromones. By consuming a diet that is high in fiber which essentially are vegetables and fruits and lowering the quantities of fatty and processed foods that you consume, you body would be able to increase its pheromone levels naturally.
A method that we all know helps in increasing the amount of pheromones secreted by the body is by engaging in regular exercise, Doing this assist in increasing the amount of oxygen in your blood so that the body can remove all the toxins that are located in your body system. When your body is free of toxins, your body will be able to produce and distribute more pheromones whenever you start to sweat which clears the skin pores and releases these natural sex attractants.
You should also buffer up your natural pheromones by using artificial ones like Nexus (for men only). This increases your sex appeal and gives your body more positive reinforcements to produce more of its own natural sexual attractants.
There is no harm in using artificial scents like Nexus pheromones, however you should also do your best to also increase the natural level of these substances that are secreted by your body. You can see more on how these artificial pheromones work in this video below.
Much thanks to you such a great amount for sharing this incredible blog.Very moving and supportive as well.